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What Happens if the Auto Oil Filter is Expired and Not Replaced?

Ⅰ. The car oil filter needs to be replaced regularly

Many people may not pay much attention to the car oil filter. They think that small car parts are not significant for car maintenance, and it doesn't matter if you don't replace them. However, the oil filter is actually very important. Not only do they need to be changed regularly, but they also need to be replaced after the oil is changed.

Ⅱ. What happens if the auto oil filter expires?

1. Increase in fuel consumption

The auto oil filter filters impurities in the oil. As we all know, engine oil can lubricate the engine and reduce its wear. If there are impurities in the oil, the lubrication effect will be weakened.

2. Blockage of the oil circuit

Generally speaking, there are no impurities in the oil, and the oil flow in the oil circuit is smooth. Among various accessories, if the auto oil filter has not been replaced for a long time, after the filtering function is lost, impurities will enter the oil circuit together with the oil and accumulate in the oil circuit. Over time, the entire oil circuit will be blocked.

3. Severe engine damage

On the market, good quality engine oil has impurities, many of which are small solid particles. Once there is no auto oil filter used to filter these impurities, these impurities will enter the engine and cause engine damage.

Therefore, you must change the car oil filter when changing the engine oil. Otherwise, your oil will have no effect, because the car oil filter will filter it, and all impurities in the machine oil will accumulate in that oil filter. If only the oil is replaced without replacing the auto oil filter, the oil will be contaminated with impurities after it passes through the car oil filter.

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